Send and Receive Parcels.

Trust Mervii Delivery to handle your package with care.
Our drivers are trained professionals who will ensure your package arrives safely and on time.

Mervii is on PlaystoreMervii is on Apple store
Mervii send parcel
Mervii receive parcel

Send and Receive Parcel Seamlessly!

Need a delivery service that's fast and reliable ?

Look no further than Mervii Delivery! Our app offers real-time tracking and speedy delivery times, so you can get your package on time, every time.

Mervii is on PlaystoreMervii is on Apple store

Doorstep to Doorstep Delivery

Save time and hassle with Mervii Delivery's same-day delivery service. Get your packages delivered right to your doorstep without leaving your home.

Mervii rider image
Mervii do not worry for parcel image

Worry No More!

Are you tired of missed deliveries and long wait times?

Mervii has got you covered with real-time tracking and live notifications.
Get your packages delivered exactly when you want them.

Made Just For You.

Send parcel from the comfort of your home with Mervii

Mervii is on PlaystoreMervii is on Apple store